Offer more to your students, and teach what interests you most
We are able to offer Specialty Instructor Training Courses in a number of areas. Applying for a Specialty Instructor rating in this way gives you hands-on training with a Course Directors, including skill practice, advice on how to run the course, and marketing hints.
This unique tec diving specialty is now available at Dive Aqaba at Instructor level. You need to be at least a Tec Deep Instructor to complete this instructor course...trimix instructor is also an advantage. This course takes wreck diving to the next level and involves penetration techniques, safety considerations and procedures for diving inside and outside wrecks outside of the recreational zone.
This specialty will become very popular. Think to yourself how many times ask you what a certain fish was, how popular fish slates are and fish ID books with divers. Teaching this course could save you time answering some of these questions, but then again it will probably generate a whole lot more. The important thing is it keeps divers interest up and keeps them coming through your door.
This a fantastic course to teach as part of an "eco" package. It improves student divers buoyancy and awareness. This course was developed as a distinctive specialty in 1999 by Dive Aqaba Staff and approved by PADI so it counts towardsMaster Scuba Diver Trainer and the student level towards MSD. (Why not put together 4 more environmental specialties for a "green eco" MSD package?)
Compressor Systems Orientation
This course covers the theory of breathing air compressor operation and has several practical workshops. You will need the following to conduct the course. A compressor system with a cascading bank, an air testing unit, an ultrasonic cleaner, a selection of compressor parts, appropriate tools and of course some tanks to fill!
Fed up diving to 18m with students? What to find out what you have at the deeper parts of your area? Start teaching and promoting this course, this is now a recommended course for those divers who are thinking of becoming Divemasters. With PADI's newly revised TecRec programs there will be an increasing demand for this specialty as divers wish to gain deeper experiences.
Digital Underwater Photographer
Don't get left behind. Learn the new techniques and marketing for digital photography now popular with nearly every diver and snorkeler as they get INSTANT GRATIFICATION and FEEDBACK. Set to become one of PADI's biggest specialty courses. You can gain this rating as a PADI Divemaster.
You can combine the user and instructor course if you are not yet certified as an Enriched Air Diver and are already an Instructor. You will learn all about teaching, this course, the most popular PADI Specialty with its on line learning options and new emphasis on diving with EANx dive computers. It can be taught in conjunction with other PADI courses.
Gain this certification with our Course Director who is manufacturer authorised to service and repair regulators and equipment from several different manufacturers - also learn some tips from 25 years experience in the field. You may even get to play with the ultrasonic cleaner!!
Teaching this course is essential to prevent divers damaging the reef and being damaged by it through ignorance. Do something to protect the reef. Get this rating and educate all the divers you take diving on the reef. The course has only one dive and a brief theory session so it's easy to schedule at any time.
This distinctive specialty can be adapted to any geographical region and has many different applications. You can complete the instructor course for this rating in just one day and add a valuable tool the courses you can offer. Excellent when compiling CV's.
This specialty is now recommended and may soon be required for those divers who wish to pursue the professional path and become Divemaster. You can complete the instructor course for this rating with us and add a valuable tool the courses you can offer. Excellent when compiling CV's.
PADI has eventually recognised that in some circumstances it is appropriate to dive alone. We can now offer instructor training in this latest specialty course now approved by PADI. Many divers will be interested in this especially photographers and budding tec divers. Also a good stepping stone for tec diving building self reliance.
This is a great specialty to learn to teach especially for your Divemaster candidates as they have to produce a map as part of the course. For divers it will improve their navigation, observation and buoyancy skills and they really enjoy doing something constructive underwater.
Your divers will get much more out of every dive if they know what they are looking at. The theory outline can take quite a long time to get your students through, in this course you will learn how to make this part interesting and shorter using media and pictures from you local area.
If you are into taking analogue photos underwater you'll get a buzz out of teaching this course, which will bring in more business indirectly when students show there photo results to friends. You can complete the instructor course in less than a day with one dive to complete and a classroom workshop discussion.
This specialty credential is essential if there are any wrecks where you dive. Your students will want to do this course. It is fun to teach and a lot of fun. You can be more confident taking divers who have completed this course on a wreck. The instructor course can be completed in just one day with two dives and a classroom workshop discussion